Saturday 6 January 2007


Minh and I have been wanting to keep a combined diary for ages... well, there you go. That's one thing we have in common already: we're both good ol'fashioned pen-and-paper journal keepers. And why wouldn't you want to overanalyse your world in writing, huh?

So, a new year, and this thing finally looks like happening. The real impetus, I guess, came when we were talking about our New Year's Resolutions.

Amy: Yeah, I'm gonna shave my hair off in March (shave for a cure)
Minh: I'm going to learn French...
Amy: Aw, that's nice.
Minh: ...and I want to study at UWA, so I guess I'll do an arts degree as well as pharmacy, and I want to do interior design, that's only two hours a week at TAFE, and I'm going to get fit and healthy and do lots of walks in King's Park and take more emotional risks and spend more time with my family.
Amy: [silence]

I mean, sometimes I get excited that I have cognition. I am the original introvert. An introverted silkworm.

Minh's the one who organises rock climbing, ball room dancing, triple university degrees, and I wouldn't be surprised if one day she elopes to France with a hunky spanish-guitar playing doctor. To me, she is the extrovert. An extroverted butterfly.

In some ways, we are like *that*. And in many, many ways, we are so, so different. Diary of Opposites.

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