Monday 8 January 2007

*Sighs* Thanks Amy

I've just viewed our blog! Amy's done such an awesome job! She knows me too well! Thanks again Amy!

I really don't know where to begin... I'm utterly disdained at the thought that we've actually put the idea of an online journal into productivity. We've been thinking about it for awhile but it twasn't until the motivational pull of New's Year's Resolutions and the epiphanic realisation that we haven't really got that much time (more strongly relevent for me than Amy due to a very deep conversation with one of my closest friend just before New Year's about the death of the love of her life and the regret he carried with him beyond the grave) that we spurred it into existance.

There's soooo much more to say, but t'will save it till tomorrow, for I'm in the middle of designing my wardrobe for 2007...goodnight.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Disdained? Gosh, I hope not!

Nonetheless... yay!!! This'll be cool if we do actually post as much as our enthusiasm for the project suggests we will Good luck designing your 2006 (?! ...must be tiring work) wardrobe, and if you get stuck, remember: jeeeeans and teeee-shirts, jeeeeans and teeee-shirts
