Saturday 17 March 2007

Whilst I was trying to study a few thoughts decided to delicately weave its way into my brain, and now, unless I resolve these issues, I won't be able to study again. Where do I begin?

Lets start with the cliche nobody's perfect... everyone has faults, everyone has things about themselves which they would like to change and everyone has things about them which annoy others. The question is, how much of this are we able to change, how much of this is actually within our control? Or do we continue to be creatures of hiprocricy, with what we say about ourselves being what we'd wish to be contending rather viciously with what we really are?

Is there any escaping it?

1 comment:

Amy said...


I think perfection is both subjective, like Beauty, and absolute, like Truth.

So, what one person loves, another will hate, and you just live with that.

But as for absolute perfection, whether it's a religious idea or a standard you've set for yourself-- you can't ever be perfect. And that's okay. I guess what's important to me is not that I be perfect, but that I keep trying-- and that I keep trying even when I know I will fail.

Perfection is nice, but hope, faith, sheer determination... they're what give me goosebumps.